The Experts on Scale.
We partner with tech founders to apply the principles of blitzscaling that we developed at Stanford University with Chris Yeh and Reid Hoffman.

It all began with a simple question: What is the secret of Silicon Valley? How have startups there grown so quickly to global scale? And what are the most effective ways other startups do the same? Chris Yeh and Reid Hoffman set out to answer these questions by drawing on their own experiences, as well as the experiences of the founders and leaders of iconic companies like Eric Schmidt of Google, Reed Hastings of Netflix, Diane Greene of VMWare, and Brian Chesky of Airbnb. In 2015, they (along with John Lilly and Allen Blue) taught CS183C, the first Blitzscaling class, at Stanford University, featuring those guest speakers and many more. That class led Chris and Reid to publish, in 2018, their best-selling book Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies, which is now part of the entrepreneurship curriculum at universities and business schools around the world. In 2020, Chris Yeh partnered with Scott Johnson and Jeff Abbott to form Blitzscaling Ventures to invest in blitzscaling startups, with Reid Hoffman as a limited partner and special advisor (who reviews each potential deal before the final investment decision). At Blitzscaling Ventures, we use the principles of Blitzscaling (which we define as prioritizing speed over efficiency in the face of uncertainty to win a valuable winner-take-most market) to identify the most promising startups. We look for companies that can leverage viral growth and distribution advantages to outgrow their competition, and build network effects and switching costs into their product to achieve the kind of sustainable competitive advantage that produces enduring market leadership. Then in 2023, Jeremiah Owyang (who had been a limited partner in Fund 1, and a friend of Chris for two decades) joined the Blitzscaling Ventures team as a General Partner to co-lead the Blitzscaling AI Fund, which applies the principles of Blitzscaling to invest in early-stage AI startups.

Why Founders Choose Us

Direct Access to Scaling Expertise
Gain guidance from Chris Yeh, co-author on scaling, who assists founders with crucial global scaling decisions.
Connect with our Powerful Community
Join our global network of founders, developers, investors, and partners, featuring the Llama Lounge AI in SF and AiSalon worldwide.
Blitzscaling Academy Teaches the Strategies
Enroll your team in Blitzscaling Academy for training on the secrets and methods of successful hypergrowth.
Funding from Blitzscaling is a Stamp of Approval
Secure your blitzscaling credentials through a partnership with its creators, including a final pre-investment review by Reid Hoffman.
About our investment methodology
At Blitzscaling Ventures, we use a proprietary scorecard to identify the top 5% of startups poised to dominate their markets, based on the Blitzscaling book. Our team engages in thorough discussions to evaluate each company’s potential, ultimately assigning them scores. Startups scoring 80 or higher on our 100-point scale advance to the next phase of our review process. Learn more about the origin and method of the Blitzscaling Scorecard.
Building Community
A full list of Global Industry Events Organized, Hosted, or Led by the Blitzscaling Ventures Team
Our Team